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Cheese Soufflè

Ingredients x 4
150 gr flour
4 eggs
30 gr butter
400 ml milk
60 gr Emmenthal cheese,
finely grated salt and freshly ground pepper

Boil the milk and then let it cool down. In a separate bowl mix the flour with the heated butter and gently pour the milk in stirring until your mixture is quite smooth.Remove the mixture from the fire and add salt and pepper. Let this sauce cook very gently and slowly, stirring frequently until it starts to boil. Now stir in the Emmenthal cheese, 4 tbsp of cold milk and then the throughly beaten yolks of 4 large eggs. Whisk the whites of the eggs until they look very creamy, tip half the whites on top of the basic mixture folding very gently. Add the remainder of the whites in the same way. Preheat the oven to 200C, place on a pie pan and bake for 30 minutes without opening the oven door!

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